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Thankyou for supporting Bio Balance Health. Your donation is greatly appreciated.

Become a Member

Why join us?

Governance Medical Members (full voting rights) $285.00 inc GST

Doctors who have completed recognised BBH training join to gain the benefits of membership including discounts to ongoing training, confidential online support group, practice listing on the BBH website and opportunities to participate in research and benefit from advocacy.

Governance Individual Members (full voting rights) $285.00 inc GST

Voting members influence the direction and standards of the organisation. Without them, we cannot grow and improve our training and our services. BBH Board approval required.


Ordinary Members (non-voting rights)

Without supporting members, we cannot remain viable. Supporters are our energy and our network. They secure our research to ensure the knowledge remains. Supporters keep up to date with knowledge and services, provide support for research and training and promote the success of this protocol.

Individual $60.00 inc GST
Corporate  $495.00 inc GST
Medical Student Free
Research $60.00 inc GST


Sponsors and Supporters

We wish to acknowledge these companies who have provided donations and support to Bio Balance Health.

Organisations interested in sponsorship opportunities, please contact us for further information.

Tugun Compounding


Applied Analytical Labs

Pulse Mobile Mechanics

Bio Balance Health

Teaching the Biochemistry of Mental Health

0435 153 473

Unit 7a, 55 Upton St, Bundall Qld 4217