Teaching the pathology and biochemistry of mental health
Facilitating medical doctor and health practitioner training programs and research
Who is Bio Balance Health?
Bio Balance Health train medical doctors and health practitioners in pathology and biochemistry of mental health. Through our research with leading universities, we know that mental health and behavioural disorders are associated with an underlying biochemical imbalance.
We train medical and health practitioners to test to identify the underlying biochemical imbalances using blood and urine testing. An individualised treatment plan can then be developed for the patient, incorporating nutrient therapy into standard care programs to treat the underlying issues, as well as relieving the symptoms. Follow-up pathology testing can then verify the patient’s improvement and enable adjustment as needed.
What makes us
Psychiatry is different from other medical fields in that Psychiatrists use mental health symptoms as the basis of patient treatment, rather than testing the biochemical physiology of the patient.
Bio Balance Health (BBH) recommend patients complete the following core suite of pathology (blood and urine testing) to identify biochemical and biomarker changes commonly associated with mental health symptoms:
Pathology testing for mental health
Bio Balance Health (BBH) recommend patients complete the following core suite of pathology (blood and urine testing) to identify biochemical and biomarker changes commonly associated with mental health symptoms:
- Plasma Zinc
- Serum Copper
- Caeruloplasmin
- Whole Blood Histamine
- Full Iron Studies
- Liver Function Test (ALT & AST)
- C-Reactive Protein
- Folate
- Serum B6
- AAL Urinary Pyrroles (includes urobilinogen)

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Support research
We support and fund research at leading universities to confirm the science we are observing.

Published Papers
See the latest research studies
Bio Balance Health has actively supported and funded.

Health Practitioner Training
Enhance patient care with an understanding of biochemistry and pathology for mental health.

Education Lectures
Further training with information lectures to enhance your knowledge.

If you would like to find out more about Bio Balance Health
The value of the scientifically-founded, well-researched micronutrient therapies which Bio Balance Health promotes for enhancing outcomes in brain function and mood improvement where needed, based on pathology test results cannot be under-estimated. This needs to be incorporated into standard medical practice worldwide, to improve the quality of life not just for individuals suffering from mental health symptoms, but the community in which they live.
Bio Balance Health
Advocating for pathology testing for mental health symptoms, for improved patient outcomes